Sunday, October 22, 2006

10/21/2006 update:

Progress has been either stopped or else moving backwards. I’ve been down the very dark street of the TWI on an Atmel device. Long story short, I can’t trust the TWI not to freeze and thus block in my code. So I’m dumping it, the I2C LCD (which I think I may have shorted out too L ), and the last few days of my life. Yeah it’s been bad, but on the the good side, I now have a good handle on how to use the debugger.

So, now I’m dropping back to serial for my LCD (only 16x2 and 9600baud versus the 20x4 and 100KHz). I also grabbed a copy of FreeRTOS which has an AVR port though I’ve had to do some work to port it to mega128 versus the mega232. I need to get my srf04 and encoder code (I intend to pull it out of AVRLib to keep it simple) and get a basic system to have the display updating 5Hz, the sonar measuring (pinging) 10Hz using an external interrupt, and the encoder as an interrupt.

Oh, and all my parts for making wires came in as well as my sound chip and components to get that circuit built … too bad I fried my brain (and nerves) on the $^%^* I2C first.
